EU4Business: Connecting Companies


Discover Organic Food and Wine Excellence in the Heart of Europe!  

Welcome to a journey focused on organic food and wine. This tour targets SMEs, BSOs, and delegates from Eastern Partnership National Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCIs), representing a gateway to the vibrant world of organic food and wine within the European Union. 

The tour centres around a captivating organic food and wine event, Organic Food Iberia and Eco Living Iberia 2024. This event is not just about savouring new flavours, but it is designed to empower your business through an export-oriented workshop, B2B matchings, and crucial meetings.  

SMEs will have the opportunity to learn about how to access new markets and export opportunities: regulation, requirements, strategies and tapping into EU customer base. Furthermore, SMEs can get direct exposure to EU standards, thus enriching their knowledge on how to meet international criteria for export.  

The tour will also serve as a platform to engage in targeted B2B matchings and meetings. Businesses will have the chance to establish valuable partnerships with EU-based distributors, retailers, and potential buyers.  

This event also fosters knowledge exchange between EaP SMEs and their EU counterparts. Cross-border learning can lead to the adoption of innovative practices, sustainability measures, and organic production techniques, contributing to the overall development of the organic food and wine sector in the Eastern Partnership region. 

For the BSOs, it will be an opportunity to learn how to provide comprehensive support and guidance to SMEs throughout their export journey. An exchange of experiences with their Spanish counterparts and those from other countries is planned within the framework of this study visit.

Key Details: 

  • Who: 25 SMEs from the EaP, 5 relevant BSOs, and 5 national EaP CCIs.  
  • Where: Madrid, Spain. 
  • When: 2-7 June 2024.
  • Duration: 5 days. 
  • Cost: Selected participants can join the tour at no cost.

The selection process is completed.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information: