Eurochambres, the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry, was established in 1958 as a direct response to the creation of the European Economic Community. It represents over 20 million businesses, channelled through a network of 1,700 regional and local chambers across Europe.
Eurochambres is the leading voice for the broad business community at EU level, building on chambers’ strong connections with the grassroots economy and their hands-on support to entrepreneurs. Chambers’ member businesses – over 93% of which are SMEs – employ over 120 million people.
Eurochambres is committed to enhancing the general conditions in which businesses operate to facilitate access to markets within and beyond the EU and to ensure the availability of human, financial, and natural resources.
Based on regular consultation with its members, Eurochambres represents European business interests to the institutions of the European Union. Furthermore, Eurochambres manages and coordinates various EU-funded projects to the benefit of the chamber network and the wider business community. Most of these projects focus on bolstering business connections between the EU and third countries and on fostering entrepreneurship.
Engaging with Eurochambres provides access to a robust network of European business intermediaries directly linked to businesses. The Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry also possesses the legitimacy to support them in their business and market decisions.
Eurochambres thrives to support European businesses through a range of services, including chamber activities, facilitating business creation, growth, and transfer, playing a crucial role in skill development, playing a lead role in the internationalisation of companies, offering vital innovation services, and acting as catalysts in improving energy efficiency.